Jones Landscaping


Cycads are an ancient group of seed plants with a crown of large compound leaves and a stout trunk. 





Leaves are brown to pink emergent.  Plants are small and tidy with horizontally arching leaves some with prominent yellow rachis. Pinnae are wider than Ceratozamia mirandae. 


Jones Landscaping Nursery

A narrow leaved Ceratozamia from Chiapas Mexico.  Few plants are found on steep slopes under closed canopy not far from the giant merolae at Las Minas.  Leaves are brown to pink emergent.  Plants are small and tidy with horizontally arching leaves some with prominent yellow rachis.  Pinnae are wider than Ceratozamia mirandae.  Plants are usually solitary and not clumping and with small trunks.  This species is exceedingly rare in cultivation.

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